Get a pair and Express yourself. STEP INTO LIFE

shoe_picture shoe_picture
stock#563 gry
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
tyler gray
stock#530 mrn
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
sniper maroon
shoe_picture shoe_picture
stock#556 blk
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
hi-cut all black
stock#502 blk
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
under cover black
shoe_picture shoe_picture
stock#522 blk
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
ethan black
stock#522 wht
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
ethan white
shoe_picture shoe_picture
stock#512 gry
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
leaf gray
stock#512 blk
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
leaf black
shoe_picture shoe_picture
stock#297-jnr blk
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
eye black
stock#303 blk
sizes : 1 to 4 1/2 (juniors)
vines gothic black

Our prices might differ from store to store, but our suggested retail price for JNRS sizes (1 to 4 1/2) - P699.00.